AgeAge from 1st SeptUK year group systemUK national CurriculumThe UK plus’US/International grade system
4 and underUnder 4NurseryFoundation StageNursery
4 years old by 31 August4-5 yearsReceptionFoundation Stage/4+4+ Enter new schoolK1 (Pre-Kindergarten)
5 years old by 31 August5-6 yearsYear 1Key Stage one7+ January of Year 1, start YellowbirdK2 (Kindergarten)
6 years old by 31 August6-7 yearsYear 2Key Stage one/7+7+ Exams can be between October and January of Year 2

8+ January of Year 2, start Yellowbird
Grade 1
7 years old by 31 August7-8 yearsYear 3Key Stage two/8+7+ enter new school

8+ Exam can be between October and January of Year 3
Grade 2
8 years old by 31 August8-9 yearsYear 4Key Stage two8+ enter new school

10+ January of Year 4, start Yellowbird
Grade 3
9 years old by 31 August9-10 yearsYear 5Key Stage two11+ January of Year 5, start YellowbirdGrade 4
10 years old by 31 August10-11 yearsYear 6Key Stage two10+ enter new school

11+ and 13+ Exams can be between October and January of Year 6
Grade 5
11 years old by 31 August11-12 yearsYear 7Key Stage three/11+11+ enter new schoolGrade 6
12 years old by 31 August12-13Year 8Grade 7
13 years old by 31 August13-14Year 913+ enter new schoolGrade 8


Once committed to a course/workshop/exam (by completion of an online booking), a contract exists between you and Yellowbird Education. You agree to the following terms:

  1. Payment must be received in full 14 days prior to the start of the course/workshop/exam.
  2. Should you need to cancel a booking, you will have the following options:
    • 14 days or more before the start of the course/workshop/exam, you will be offered a credit for a future course/workshop/exam valid for 12 months OR a full refund less an admin fee (the lesser of 10% of the order or £50).
    • Less than 14 days before the start of a course/workshop/exam, we will try to fill the place and may be able to offer a credit to be used within 12 months.
  3. No shows are not eligible for a credit or refund.
  4. A workshop/exam booking may be transferred to another person with no additional charges.




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Nunc non mi auctor, dignissim est eu, interdum tellus. Donec posuere ligula id tincidunt convallis. Mauris rutrum, magna in varius sollicitudin, tellus lorem euismod lacus, id commodo nunc elit sit amet risus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

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Select Dates

14-17 Apr 2025, 27 Apr 2025




Lunes, Martes, Miercoles