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Month: July 2024
An Ode to the English Language
A wonderful poem to remind us just how illogical and quirky our English Language can be.
Yellowbird’s Screen Time Advice
At this exam time of year, a great deal of stress is caused by time spent online. So how do you manage screen time without causing a row? Parents monitor screen time, but the kids should too. This dual-monitoring works for the 10 -13 year olds especially. Try to ‘reverse engineer’ the issue by asking…
Interview: A valuable tool for leading Heads
Growing numbers of children and too few places has generated fierce competition for top independent school places in the Capital. The number of children registering to sit gruelling entrance exams has grown to such levels that parents and children are required to be meticulous in their preparation. It is perhaps this combination that presents a fresh…
A Creative Approach to Exam Preparation
Competition for limited places at top London schools has led to tutoring becoming the acceptable norm with families often choosing to supplement expensive education to secure their child a school place. Many recognise such harmful pressure on children is not sustainable and thus welcomed the well-documented ‘creative assessment’ introduced by the London 11+ Consortium earlier…
Interview with Paul Dowswell, author of Wolf Children
Yellowbird’s Book of the Month At Yellowbird Education, we are starting a ‘Meet the Author’ section to complement our Book of the Month section. September 2018’s featured book is Wolf Children, by Paul Dowswell. This is a gripping World War II drama set in the dangerous streets of Berlin just after the end of the war.…
New 11+ Exam Procedure
Changes to the Girls Consortium This week the team at Yellowbird and Janie Richardson School Search and Placement attended a Forum on preparing for the 11+, with guest speakers Lucy Elphinstone, Head of Frances Holland, Sloane Square, and Jill Walker, Head of St Nicholas Prep School. The main thrust of the talk concerned the proposed…
Join us at Cupcake Fulham
We are thrilled that Janie Richardson is running an exclusive workshop for Cupcake members on Wednesday 16th May at 11am at the club. Janie is one of the most experienced school search consultants in London given her background as Head in top London Prep schools. Janie and her highly experienced team are able to offer…
Families Southwest Magazine
Take a look at our feature in Families Southwest Magazine- May 2018 We discuss “Is tutoring a thing of the past for London children?”
Story Writing for Exams
Story writing comes with practice, so the more you write the easier it becomes to think of ideas. The difficult bit is coming up with those ideas –especially in a short space of time. Use your own experiences and bits of other stories. It’s OK to borrow ideas as long as you change them a…
Yummy Mummy magazine
See us featured in Yummy Mummy magazine! Yummy Mummy magazine has featured Yellowbird Education in their August/September issue. Check out our interview here…
Joined-Up Thinking
“Finland has become one of the first countries to ditch joined up hand writing classes for young children in favour of teaching keyboard skills.” Daily Mail 1/8/15 Interesting choice of word “ditch”. To ditch means to leave behind, get rid of – to do away with the unnecessary. Admittedly, it was the DM’s choice of…
Yellowbird Education’s Five Point Plan for surviving the 11+ exams
Remember, from the end of January onwards they have the best year ever. Post exams, Year 6 is what education should always be – fun. And you’ll feel so much better too!
Comprehension Tips – 11 Plus
Here are some useful tips when taking your 11+ English Exam. GENERAL TIPS ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS When the ship first started sinking what happened? (3 marks) You are looking for 3 things that happened and you should write your answer as a full sentence. Your answer might read: A. When the ship started sinking the…